
headache-womanHeadaches are described as pain in the head and/or neck regions. Headaches can come in a number of different forms and intensities and typically involve a variety of co-existing factors. Approximately 45 million from headaches annually. These headaches can be caused, or made worse by,  stress, dehydration, trigger points, vestibular issues, nutrient deficiencies, strains/sprains, and much more. We will be the first to admit that some conservative techniques to manage headaches are effective and some are not. One particular type of headache that is effectively managed by conservative care is a tension headache, which is by far the most common type of primary headache. Tension-type headaches account for nearly 90% of all headaches. The pain can radiate from the lower back of the head, the neck, eyes, or other muscle groups in the body depending on the origin of the pain.  Other types of headaches that have shown promise through conservative techniques are cervicogenic headaches and migraines. At the initial visit, we will go through a thorough consultation and examination in an effort to determine the cause and type of your headache as to properly recommend treatment at our office or refer you out to another specialist.


Types of Headaches successfully managed with conservative care:

– Tension headaches

– Cervicogenic headaches

– Migraines

– Trigger point referral/Myofascial pain