Spine Rehabilitation

        Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication...–Leonardo Da Vinci


Complementary to the various manual therapies offered at our office, spine rehabilitation is a category of movement-based techniques that emphasizes the restoration of functional independence. Patients will be required to take an active role while guided through movements that aim to establish adequate workout posturemobility, stability, balance, breathing, and strength throughout the neuromusculoskeletal system. This approach utilizes a blend of traditional physical therapy techniques with modern corrective exercise and strength and conditioning techniques. Often times this approach involves the re-training of fundamental human movements such as squatting, lunging, climbing, pulling/pushing, rotation, breathing, balance, and proper gait (walking and running). The therapeutic movement approach will be tailored for each individual, based on their physical requirements of daily life and their personal health and fitness goals. We let the outcomes of your personalized functional assessments and a discussion of your goals guide the rehabilitation strategy, rather than trying to fit everyone into a cookie-cutter, technique based approach.

For descriptions of some of the spine rehabilitation techniques performed in our office please visit the sub-categories on the side panel:

-Corrective Exercise

-Neuromuscular Re-Education

-Therapeutic Breathing and

-Functional Training

Although specific descriptions are given for each category, often times, significant overlap can be seen between different techniques. Much like our approach with manual therapy, we feel it’s more important to emphasize WHY something is being performed rather than WHAT it’s called…