

Our services are aimed at restoring optimal function. The treatment methods we utilize will vary person-to-person but will likely consist of a combination of hands-on manual therapy, movement-based rehabilitation, a home-care exercise program, postural awareness training, and diet/nutrition counseling. We understand that each person who walks through our door enters with a different genetic makeup, injury history, fitness level, and diet/nutritional background. Your initial consultation will be an attempt to determine precisely where you are (point A) and where you want to be (point B). Our job will be to determine which of our services will help you get from point A to point B the most efficiently. We hope that everyone who leaves our offices has a clear sense of what the plan of action is and has simple and effective home-care strategies for taking control of your own health. Please visit the general categories: Manual Therapy, Spine Rehabilitation, Clinical Nutrition, and Functional Evaluations and the associated sub-categories for more specific information on the services offered at our facility.


myofascial       woman-using-kettlebell