Neuromuscular Re-Education


This category of physical rehabilitation deals with specific posture, coordination, balance, reflex stabilization, breathing, kinesthetic sense, and proprioceptive needs.woman-using-kettlebell

Often over-lapping with corrective exercise, “The broad goal of neuromuscular re-education exercise involves restoring a natural mind-body connection by coordinating your  mental perception with physical behavior. Neuromuscular re-education exercises aim to restore natural and energy-efficient movement patterns, optimize joint  biomechanics and reduce pain that may result from neuromuscular deficiencies.”

Therapeutic treatment strategies can include the use of wobble boards, resistance bands, weights, physioballs, kettlebells and a variety of other rehabilitation tools. Neuromuscular re-education techniques will be demonstrated and practiced in-office as well as given for continuing at-home self care.

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